Zientzia hedabideetan
Bullies Have Higher Sex Appeal and Social Status, Says Study
Bullying is the scourge of classrooms and workplaces across the world. However, a recent study claims that bullying is an inherited evolutionary advantage which builds social status and even sex […]
Crumb of mouse brain reconstructed in full detail
Six years might seem like a long time to spend piecing together the structure of a scrap of tissue vastly smaller than a bead of sweat. But that is how […]
Inmortality instinct
We have this powerful sense that death is a transition, not an end. Why can’t we imagine a world without us?
Lo que Philae nos enseñó al rebotar sobre el cometa 67P
Los científicos ya tienen todos los datos sobre el descenso del módulo aterrizador sobre el cometa, incluidas las imágenes de aproximación. Con la información recuperada han realizado una meticulosa reconstrucción […]
Subliminal learning and conscious thought can reduce and enhance pain
New research shows that conscious and non-conscious thought processes can both alleviate and enhance the experience of pain
Los superordenadores más rápidos de Europa tratan de simular la fotosíntesis
Un equipo de informáticos, físicos y químicos de la Universidad del País Vasco ha participado en un proyecto que pretende realizar simulaciones de la molécula en la que sucede la […]
Hamsters Are Optimists When They Live in Comfy Cages
Pet hamsters that enjoy habitats full of toys and fluffy bedding make more upbeat decisions than those in stark enclosures
Hackers Identify Weak Link in Thousands of Industrial Control Systems
When we think about cyberattacks against infrastructure, thanks to hyperbolic and unrealistic Hollywood flicks, we think of exploding nuclear plants or blacked out cities. But in reality, hackers could cause much […]
Exploding the nuclear family
Test-tube babies, surrogates, single parents, gay fathers – the modern era is redefining what a family is. Linda Geddes finds out if the kids are alright.