Zientzia hedabideetan
Confirman la presencia de pulmones en peces celacantos
Los celacantos son peces de aguas profundas con aletas lobuladas que hasta hace unos décadas se creían extintos. Desde su redescubrimiento en 1938, los científicos dudaban de la existencia de un […]
Soinuarekin neuronak pizteko teknika garatu dute: sonogenetika
Neuronak ultrasoinuen bidez aktibatzeko teknika berri bat garatu dute ikertzaile estatubatuar batzuek. Optogenetika izeneko teknikan argiarekin neuronak aktibatzen diren modu bertsuan funtzionatzen du, baina argiaren ordez ultrasoinuak erabiliz. Sonogenetika deitu […]
The False Science of Cryonics
What the nervous system of the roundworm tells us about freezing brains and reanimating human minds.
Brazil’s cancer curse
The startling discovery that hundreds of thousands of Brazilians have a genetic mutation that undermines their ability to resist cancer is now leading to new ways to treat the disease.
El misil chino ‘mataportaaviones’ que puede poner en jaque a EEUU
En el 70 aniversario de la victoria en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, China presentó dos nuevos misiles específicamente diseñados para combatir portaviones, pero aún tienen que demostrar que funcionan.
Archaeology’s Disputed Genius
Archaeology’s establishment hasn’t always looked kindly on Lee Berger. Then he found a cave full of bones, including Homo naledi.
Autopsies reveal signs of Alzheimer’s in growth-hormone patients
Brain plaques may have been seeded by contaminated hormone extracts from cadavers.
Einstein’s Parable of Quantum Insanity
Einstein refused to believe in the inherent unpredictability of the world. Is the subatomic world insane, or just subtle?
Man fitted with robotic hand wired directly into his brain can ‘feel’ again
Advanced prosthetic allows paralysed man to control movements and register when the robotic hand is touched