Zientzia hedabideetan
Turning Back the Brain’s Clock
The brain’s ability to make new neural connections can be restored in mice by blocking a protein that normally acts as a natural brake on neuroplasticity.
Can you solve Martin Gardner’s best mathematical puzzles?
The maestro of recreational maths was born 100 years ago today. Here we celebrate his birthday with eight of his most celebrated puzzles
Physicists see potential dark matter from the Sun
X-ray data hinting at axion particles draw interest and cautionary warnings.
¿Cuál es el origen de los virus?
El origen evolutivo de los virus es un pequeño enigma para la ciencia, que ni siquiera se pone de acuerdo sobre si estas partículas son seres vivos o no. Para […]
When Those Who Know Won’t Share
There is no “I” in team, we are told. It’s important for workers to share information and collaborate. So why would employees deliberately hide knowledge from their colleagues? And yet […]
Los niños neandertales eran más bajos que los humanos actuales
Un equipo de científicos del Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana ha publicado un trabajo en la revista Journal of Human Evolution en el que se establece que los neandertales entre […]
First act of sexual intercourse ‘was done sideways, square-dance style’
Fossils of 380m-year-old lake-dwelling placoderms point to bony, L-shaped male organ and female ‘cheese-grater’ genitals, scientists say
U.S. Tornadoes Form in Swarms
Over the past couple of decades, tornado season has seen a lot more variation than it used to. Not only have some of the earliest and latest starts to the […]
Una cámara de 250 megapíxeles capaz de detectar el cáncer de piel
Un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad de Duke en Durham, Carolina del Norte (EEUU), ha desarrollado una cámara de 250 megapíxeles capaz de capturar imágenes de alta resolución que permitirán […]