Zientzia hedabideetan
Primateen eta bakterioen arteko 40 milioi urteko borroka burdinagatik
Bakterioek beharrezkoa dute burdina bizitzeko. Eta, horregatik, bakterioen aurkako defentsa-mekanismo bat da burdina eskuragarri ez uztea. Hori eraginkorra da bakterioek burdin hori eskuratzeko mekanismoren bat lortzen duten arte. Bada, burdinagatiko […]
Harvard Scientist Lights Up Neurons to Find Brain Cures
The footage captures a neuron firing, letting researchers watch the signal flowing through an entire cell for the first time. Seeing these cells at work may let researchers track and […]
Curiosity rover sniffs Martian methane
Background gas levels are low — but they spike periodically.
Want to influence the world? Map reveals the best languages to speak
Speak or write in English, and the world will hear you. Speak or write in Tamil or Portuguese, and you may have a harder time getting your message out. Now, […]
Communicating Across Kingdoms?
Researchers pinpoint microRNAs that could play a role in how Wolbachia bacteria manipulate their arthropod hosts.
Desalination out of Desperation
Severe droughts are forcing researchers to rethink how technology can increase the supply of fresh water.
Bolas de fuego por San Valentín
Los meteoros que estallan en la atmósfera no caen aleatoriamente durante el año Investigadores españoles descubren pautas que se repiten en determinadas fechas
Colour to dye for
The basic chemistry of hair dyes has changed little over the last century, but what do we know about the risks of colouring our hair, and why do we do […]
When it comes to DNA, crocodiles and birds flock together
If you really want to know about birds, you have to consider the crocodile. That point was driven home this week with the release of the genomes of 45 bird […]