Zientzia hedabideetan
Identifican el mecanismo que explica por qué comer poco alarga la vida
La producción de sulfuro de hidrógeno, que se aumenta con la restricción calórica, tiene un efecto protector sobre partes fundamentales de la célula
Restored Forests Breathe Life Into Efforts Against Climate Change
Driven by a growing environmental movement and mounting pressure from Western consumers, corporate and government leaders are making a new push to slow the cutting of rain forests.
Consiguen regenerar pelo modificando células del sistema inmune
Científicos del CNIO han descubierto en ratones que los macrófagos activan el crecimiento de las células madre de la piel. El hallazgo, publicado en la revista PLOS Biology, podría aportar nuevos enfoques […]
A Prototype Battery Could Double the Range of Electric Cars
Startup Seeo has developed batteries that store far more energy than conventional ones, which could extend the range of electric cars.
Half-male, half-female bird has a rough life
This bird might look like a holiday ornament, but it is actually a rare half-female, half-male northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis, pictured with female plumage on the left and male plumage […]
How do you test an Ebola vaccine?
Scientists in West Africa are racing to determine what immunization strategies could be most effective to contain the epidemic.
En busca del secreto del misterioso ‘Códice borbónico’
La Asamblea Nacional francesa autoriza excepcionalmente a un grupo de científicos a analizar uno de los manuscritos mesoamericanos mejor conservados
Human skeleton has become lighter over time
If you compare a chimpanzee’s bones with those of a modern human, one difference will immediately jump out at you. Chimp bones are densely packed with microscopic structures known as […]
Some heart patients do better when the cardiologist is away
Holy heart attack! Researchers have found that certain high-risk heart patients stand a better chance of survival if they go to a teaching hospital when all the cardiologists have left […]