Zientzia hedabideetan
Robot Journalist Finds New Work on Wall Street
Software that turns data into written text could help us make sense of a coming tsunami of data.
Growing Human Guts in Mice
Researchers make more progress toward growing human intestines in mice, paving the way for better models of intestinal function and failure.
Life on Mars? Scientist offers different take on Curiosity images
Was there ever life on Mars? Without a human geologist roaming the surface, hammer in hand, it’s devilishly difficult to find out, and current robotic explorers aren’t really built to […]
Zianobakterioak, planetaren lehen eraldatzaileak
Gure planeta inguratzen duen atmosferak ez du hasieran izan zuenaren antz handirik. Lehen atmosfera hura Jupiterreko ilargietako batzuk dutenaren antzekoa zen; oxigenoaren eta nitrogenoaren ordez, hidrogenoa, helioa, karbono dioxidoa, metanoa, […]
Un implante flexible hace andar a ratones paralíticos
Una nueva prótesis elástica permite estimular durante meses la médula espinal cuando está dañada, lo que favorece la recuperación del movimiento que se pierde en las extremidades. El prototipo se […]
The Next Ebolas
Three factors predict whether a new virus will cause a human pandemic.
Scientists Can Tell How Old a Star Is by Observing How Fast It Spins
A newly proven method can pinpoint the age of stars with at least 90% accuracy
Game theorists crack poker
An ‘essentially unbeatable’ algorithm for the popular card game points to strategies for solving real-life problems without having complete information.
Ratones que “huelen” la enfermedad
Un estudio de la Universidad de Ginebra revela el sistema que permite a los ratones detectar y evitar a sus compañeros enfermos. La clave está en el órgano vomeronasal, situado […]