Zientzia hedabideetan
With New Nonstick Coating, the Wait, and Waste, Is Over
If a glue did not stick to the inside of the tube or bottle, you might think it must not be a very good glue. On the other hand, clinging […]
Heat-beating beans resist climate change
Beans are a staple for hundreds of millions of people, mostly in Latin America and Africa. But these legumes, which originated in cool highlands, are particularly sensitive to excessive warmth—so […]
Extreme cryptography paves way to personalized medicine
The dream for tomorrow’s medicine is to understand the links between DNA and disease — and to tailor therapies accordingly. But scientists working to realize such ‘personalized’ or ‘precision’ medicine […]
Young Jupiter wiped out solar system’s early inner planets, study says
Before Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars occupied the inner solar system, there may have been a previous generation of planets that were bigger and more numerous – but were ultimately […]
‘Penguin’ Anomaly Hints at Missing Particles
A penguin-shaped anomaly first detected two years ago has survived a comprehensive new analysis of data from the first run of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Fossil hunters discover new giant ancient predator
Carnivorous amphibian Metoposaurus algarvensis grew to the size of a small car and dates back to the Late Triassic Period
Lo que vieron en el cielo en 1670 no era una nova, ¡era una colisión de estrellas!
Durante siglos, este objeto estelar bajo la constelación del Cisne ha sido un misterio para los astrónomos. Un nuevo análisis resuelve el enigma y arroja una sorpresa: pese a estar […]
Custom Organs, Printed to Order
Currently, tissue engineering can provide simple, thin tissues including cartilage, skin, and bone. Larger, more complex organs like the liver and heart present much more formidable challenges. They are structurally […]
Txertoaren paradoxa
Elgorriaren aurkako txertoaren inguruko albisteak ez dira arraroak azkenaldi honetan. Adibidez, urte hasieran, eztabaida bizia zuten AEBn, Disneylandian abenduan izan zuten elgorri-agerraldiaren harira. Inguru hartan gero eta guraso gehiagok haurrak […]