Zientzia hedabideetan
Homo generoa baino lehenagoko harrizko tresnak aurkitu dituzte
Inoizko harrizko tresnarik zaharrenak aurkitu dituzte Kenian. 3,3 milioi urte dituzte, orain arte ezagutzen zirenak baino 700.000 urte gehiago. Zein espeziek eginak diren ez dakiten arren, aurkikuntza honek erakusten du […]
Cuánto puede afectar El Niño el precio de lo que comemos
El fenómeno de El Niño, pronosticado para este año, podría afectar los mercados de alimentos a nivel global. Si se manifiesta con fuerza, puede provocar un aumento en los alimentos […]
In the beginning
The science of cosmology has achieved wonders in recent centuries. It has enlarged the world we can see and think about by ontological orders of magnitude. Cosmology wrenched the Earth […]
How the Biggest Fabricator in Science Got Caught
Today he stands alone as the record-holder for most retractions by a single author, at a breathtaking 183, representing roughly 7 percent of all retracted papers between 1980 and 2011. […]
Alzheimer’s origins tied to rise of human intelligence
The study finds evidence that 50,000 to 200,000 years ago, natural selection drove changes in six genes involved in brain development. This may have helped to increase the connectivity of […]
La tecnología más antigua que conocemos no es humana
“El autor fue un hominino [primates homínidos de postura erguida y locomoción bípeda a los que pertenecemos], pero de momento no es posible determinar cuál”. Esto supone la primera evidencia […]
Driest Place on Earth Hosts Life
Researchers have pinpointed the driest location on Earth in the Atacama Desert, a region in Chile already recognised as the most arid in the world. They have also found evidence […]
No more dieting, and 7 other things we do differently after reporting on health care
Before we started reporting on health, we had no medical training. We came at this beat with fresh eyes and lots of questions. More than ever, we appreciate how complex […]
Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math?
When a legendary mathematician found a mistake in his own work, he embarked on a computer-aided quest to eliminate human error. To succeed, he has to rewrite the century-old rules […]