Zientzia hedabideetan
Hacking the nervous system
One nerve connects your vital organs, sensing and shaping your health. If we learn to control it, the future of medicine will be electric.
Your Tiny Amygdala Could Foretell If Your Casual Drug Use Will Turn Into Addiction
Many people take recreational drugs at some point in their lives, but only some become addicted. Their risk for addiction may be higher due to their genes, their environment, and […]
Kuaternarioko liroi nano baten aztarnak aurkitu dituzte Lezetxikin
Liroi nano baten aztarnak aurkitu ditu EHUko ikertzaile-talde batek Lezetxiki kobazuloan (Arrasate). Hiru hortz txiki dira, eta, ikertzaileen esanean, aurkikuntza garrantzitsua da.
Food Technology for All
For years, the most important food technologies were all about scale. How could we feed a fast-growing population at less expense? By doing everything bigger: food grown on bigger farms […]
Descubren que el extraño camaleón pantera son en realidad 11 especies
Se trata de una de los animales más carismáticos de Madagascar. Un equipo de investigadores ha realizado un análisis genético que indica que la biodiversidad es mayor de lo que […]
Google a step closer to developing machines with human-like intelligence
Computers will have developed “common sense” within a decade and we could be counting them among our friends not long afterwards, one of the world’s leading AI scientists has predicted.
What happens when we can’t test scientific theories?
If a scientific theory is elegant, and is consistent with known facts, does it need to be tested by experiment? Scientific knowledge is supposed to be empirical: to be accepted […]
Explaining a Cornerstone of Game Theory: John Nash’s Equilibrium
John F. Nash Jr. was best known for advances in game theory, which is essentially the study of how to come up with a winning strategy in the game of […]
Un modelo recoge cómo evolucionan los lenguajes de programación
¿Es la evolución cultural similar a la evolución biológica? Es la cuestión que se plantean científicos de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra y del ICREA en un artículo. El equipo de […]