Zientzia hedabideetan
Chimps caught drinking after hours
Alcoholic beverages are imbibed in nearly every human society across the world—sometimes, alas, to excess. Although recent evidence suggests that tippling might have deep roots in our primate past, nonhuman […]
NASA Spacecraft Detects Impact Glass on Surface of Mars
NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has detected deposits of glass within impact craters on Mars. Though formed in the searing heat of a violent impact, such deposits might provide a […]
El increíble descubrimiento sobre el cerebro que va a reescribir los libros de texto
Hasta hace una semana teníamos la absoluta certeza de que el sistema linfático no llegaba al cerebro. Pero no es cierto. Un hallazgo casual cambia todo lo que dábamos por […]
Zirkuitu elektroniko bat ezarri dute saguen garunean, xiringa baten bidez
Ehun mikrometroko diametroa duen xiringa-orratz mehe bat erabilita, sagu baten garunean zirkuitu elektroniko bat injektatzea lortu dute, Harvard Unibertsitateko eta Beijingeko Nanozientzia eta Teknologia Zentroko neurozientzialariek.
El estudio del epigenoma conecta la longevidad celular con el cáncer
Un estudio analiza por primera vez los cambios en el epigenoma durante la maduración de un tipo de células del sistema inmunológico, los linfocitos B. Este proceso modificaría de forma […]
Revealed: the great geologist behind the Origin of Species
To understand how Darwin arrived at these conclusions it is necessary to turn to the manuscripts from the first half of his life. They reveal something that is not nearly […]
Madness and creativity: Is genetic vulnerability to one a source of strength in the other?
From the earliest Western philosophers to the most technologically-equipped neuroscientists, the apparent connection between creative genius and mental illness has been a source of fascination and study. In the end, […]
Black Hole Hunters
Known as the Event Horizon Telescope, named after the point of no return in a black hole, its job was to see what has been until now unseeable: an exquisitely […]
Nikolas Atxukarro: ezagutu, sendatzeko
Estatu Batuetako gobernutik gonbidapen bat iritsi zitzaion Alzheimerri. Washingtongo Eroetxe Federaleko Anatomia Patologikoaren departamentuko zuzendari izatea eskaini zioten. “Nik ezin dut joan —erantzun zuen Alzheimerrek—, baina gazte bat bidaliko dizuet, […]