Ciencia en los medios
Healthy obesity: not a fantasy (but rare and elusive)
A new year, another kerfuffle among experts over the existence of that most elusive of human phenotypes: the person who is both obese and healthy.
Stress Fractures
Social adversity shapes humans’ immune systems—and probably their susceptibility to disease—by altering the expression of large groups of genes.
#eBird: hegazti-behaketen datu-base mundiala
Bi aldiz mundiala: mundu osokoa delako, eta benetan aparta delako. 2002. urtean sortu zuten Estatu Batuetan eBird aplikazioa, Cornell Universityko Ornitologia Laborategiak eta Audubon Elkarteak. Funtsean, hegazti-behaketak gorde, antolatu eta […]
Found: the missing part of brain’s ‘internal compass’
If you have taken a walk and would like to return home you need to have an idea of where you are in relation to your destination. To do this, […]
An ant, a plant, and a bear, oh my
In a mountain meadow in Colorado, ecologists have come across yet another example of the amazing interconnectedness of nature’s flora and fauna. Black bears, by eating ants, help one of […]
El misterio de la rana que da a luz a renacuajos sin poner huevos
Científicos descubrieron una rana que da a luz directamente a renacuajos, sin haber puesto huevos.
Adimen artifizialaren gizarterat
1956an, ikertzaile talde batek marraztu zuen zientziak jarraitu beharreko bide deigarri berri bat: gizakiaren adimena imitatzea. Ordutik hona, pauso nabariak eman dira, informatikan zehazki.
Bad luck, bad journalism and cancer rates
Please, journalists, get a clue before you write about science
Threat of Being Eaten Doesn’t Deter Dumpling Squid From Sex
The adorable cephalopods seem to rate mating higher on their list of priorities than survival