Zientzia hedabideetan
Out of the lab and into refugee camps: STEM and humanitarian aid
How science, technology and engineering are helping those affected by war, natural disasters and homelessness.
Aniversario agridulce del aterrizaje de Philae
Justo hace un año la sonda Philae ejecutó su histórico y accidentado aterrizaje sobre el cometa 67P, tras desprenderse de la nave Rosetta. Desde entonces, los científicos de la misión […]
Los pájaros ‘enamorados’ prefieren estar con su pareja antes que comer
Un estudio llevado a cabo con carboneros demuestra que las aves dan importancia a los beneficios de las relaciones sociales a largo plazo, aunque esto suponga una desventaja inmediata
Google Seeks to Influence AI Research by Giving Software Away
The Web company, seeking to influence how people design, test, and run artificial-intelligence systems, is making its internal AI development software available for free.
How Humans Evolved Supersize Brains
Scientists have begun to identify the symphony of biological triggers that powered the extraordinary expansion of the human brain.
Earth’s Water May Be as Old as the Earth Itself
Ancient volcanic rocks may have preserved tiny samples of the planet’s original moisture
How the Western Diet Has Derailed Our Evolution
Burgers and fries have nearly killed our ancestral microbiome.
Earth-like world could be ‘most important planet found outside solar system’
GJ 1132b is close enough for telescopes to observe any atmosphere it might have, which could help scientists spot signs of life on other planets in the future
Being a Woman Affects How You Feel About Climate Change. So Does Being Catholic
Pew asked 45,435 adults in 40 countries how they felt about climate change.