Zientzia hedabideetan
Cadáveres estelares cuentan la historia de la galaxia Andrómeda
Las nebulosas planetarias, estrellas similares al Sol que han agotado su combustible y expulsado sus capas externas, han permitido estudiar las dos subestructuras principales de la galaxia Andrómeda. El trabajo, […]
New Measurements Confirm That Electrons Will Outlive God
66,000 yottayears is a 6.6 followed by 28 zeroes. It looks like this: 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 This is the expected lifespan of a single electron, according to new measurements described in this […]
Why physics needs art to help picture the universe
Historians of science usually date the origin of the Scientific Revolution as 1543, when Copernicus’ De Revolutionibus first put the Earth in motion. While that is a convenient and defensible […]
Math Quartet Joins Forces on Unified Theory
A new breakthrough that bridges number theory and geometry is just the latest triumph for a close-knit group of mathematicians.
El lago que revela los secretos del origen de la humanidad
Nuestros ancestros humanos eran muy elusivos. Sus restos están literalmente esparcidos por la Tierra, e incluso cuando se encuentra algún fósil es raro que esté completo. Por eso un asombroso […]
¿Existen planetas con materia oscura?
Dos físicos teóricos de España y Alemania plantean la posible existencia de planetas compactos, con masas similares a la de Júpiter o la Tierra pero mucho más pequeños. Este nuevo […]
Humans take note: Artificial intelligence just got a lot smarter
Today’s artificial intelligence may not be that clever, but it just got much quicker on the uptake. A learning program designed by a trio of researchers can now recognize and […]
Thousands of unexpected microbes break down our bodies after death
“Dust to dust” may not be God’s work so much as the enterprising efforts of soil microbes. But until now, little was known about how these tiny undertakers turn our […]
Brain-manipulation studies may produce spurious links to behaviour
Study shows that controlling neurons with light or drugs may affect the brain in more ways than expected.