Zientzia hedabideetan
New chemistry revives elementary question
The periodic table is a public symbol of chemistry. But as it grows larger, we must stress that science is not just about producing lists, says Philip Ball.
A Radical Reinterpretation of Einstein’s Theory
A cadre of physicists working on the theory of shape dynamics could change our understanding of reality.
The 40,000-Mile Volcano
A major project in the Pacific Ocean off the West Coast is monitoring a steaming ridge full of living and mineral wonders on the ocean floor circling Earth.
Brasil en alerta por los miles de bebés nacidos con microcefalia
El zika, un virus transmitido por el mosquito del dengue, está generando el pánico entre las embarazadas en Brasil, ante el alarmante aumento del número de niños nacidos con un […]
Hacia la hormona de la eterna juventud
Científicos estadounidenses describen en ratones cómo FGF21 retrasa la caída de las defensas asociada al envejecimiento.
Psychedelic therapy
Notoriously illegal and synonymous with hedonism, LSD and ecstasy started life as aids to psychotherapy. Sam Wong meets the band of psychiatrists who are looking to reclaim them for medicine […]
Living Bacteria Are Riding Earth’s Air Currents
The high-flying microbes can travel across the globe, spreading disease or even changing climates.
The Deep Space of Digital Reading
The Internet’s flood of information, together with the distractions of social media, threaten to overwhelm the interior space of reading, stranding us in what the journalist Nicholas Carr has called […]
Gantz-zelulek jariatutako proteina batek eragina izan dezake prostatako minbizian
Tolosako Unibertsitatean (Frantzia) egindako ikerketa batek erakutsi duenez, gantz-zelulek jariatzen duten proteina batek eragin zuzena du prostatako minbiziaren garapenean. Lehendik ere, hainbat ikerketak iradokitzen zuten erlazioa dagoela obesitatearen eta prostatako […]