Zientzia hedabideetan
Taming Superconductors With String Theory
The physicist Subir Sachdev borrows tools from string theory to understand the puzzling behavior of superconductors.
Monos transgénicos que se comportan como autistas
Investigadores chinos desarrollan un modelo animal muy parecido al humano de este trastorno del desarrollo, aunque advierten sobre sus limitaciones.
Next Big Test for AI: Making Sense of the World
A new database will gauge progress in artificial intelligence, as computers try to grasp what’s going on in scenes shown in photographs.
More evidence emerges for ‘transmissible Alzheimer’s’ theory
Autopsies reveal plaques in the brains of people who died after receiving grafts from cadavers.
Tecnología placebo: ¿funciona de verdad el botón de los semáforos para cruzar?
Seguro que más de una vez has oído o pensado que los botones para cruzar el paso de cebra en realidad no funcionan. ¿Eres un conspiranoico? ¿O tienes razones para […]
Who Ever Said No Two Snowflakes Were Alike?
A physicist at the California Institute of Technology has found a way to create what he calls “identical twin” snowflakes in his lab.
How your friends affect your health
Think about your five closest friends. What do they care about? Do they love the gym? Long walks on the beach? Maybe they smoke, or are overweight. You should choose […]
How the Cold War Created Astrobiology
Astronomy and biology have been circling each other with timid infatuation since the first time a human thought about the possibility of other worlds and other suns. But the melding […]
Las plantas carnívoras saben contar
La conocida venus atrapamoscas pone en marcha distintos mecanismos metabólicos a cuando la víctima produce un número determinado de estímulos. El sistema activa una “espiral mortal de desintegración”, según los […]