Zientzia hedabideetan
La extraña asimetría de las moléculas quirales podría estar relacionada con el magnetismo
Un trabajo internacional liderado por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid e IMDEA-Nanociencia aporta resultados experimentales que apoyan la teoría de una relación entre quiralidad molecular y magnetismo. La quiralidad es […]
DNAren begiztak gako dira geneen erregulazioan
Begiztak baliatzen dituzte zelula desberdinek, genoma berarekin gauza desberdinak egiteko
An Evolutionary Battle Against Bacteria
Every disease has a history. Some of that history is written in books, and some is written in our DNA.
Tropical forests may not combat climate change
Tropical forests may not save us from global warming. Scientists have long believed that as atmospheric carbon dioxide rises, the greenhouse gas could boost photosynthesis, enabling tropical and other forests […]
A Step Toward Artificial Cells, Built from Silicon
In a step toward sophisticated artificial cells, scientists have engineered a silicon chip that can produce proteins from DNA, the most basic function of life.
Seeing Inside Cells
Several teams reported on insights gleaned from live-cell images obtained through the use of super-resolution microscopy at this week’s American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) annual meeting held in Philadelphia.
Prime Gap Grows After Decades-Long Lull
A year after tackling how close together prime number pairs can stay, mathematicians have now made the first major advance in 76 years in understanding how far apart primes can […]
La evolución a vista de pájaro
Los genomas de 48 especies de aves revelan el Big Bang biológico tras la extinción de los dinosaurios
Why women’s bodies abort males during tough times
In times of trouble, multiple studies have shown, more girls are born than boys. No one knows why, but men need not worry about being overrun by women. An analysis […]