Zientzia hedabideetan
La planta que selecciona a su polinizador
Un estudio describe el mecanismo por el que una planta tropical produce más polen y de mejor calidad cuando ‘identifica’ a las dos especies de colibrís que más le benefician. […]
An Inflammatory Theory of Brain Disease
While it’s often thought of as a one-time event, traumatic brain injury is better described as a disease: it’s irreversible, sometimes progressive, and often affects people for the rest of […]
Strange medicine
SET a thief to catch a thief is an old proverb. In the 1920s, shortly after the discovery of viruses, it was put to good use by doctors. They found […]
Sex, lives and disability
What can disabled bodies teach us about sex, and why should we listen?
Partikula subatomikoak Fukushimako erregaia bilatzeko
Martxoaren 11n lau urte beteko dira Fukushimako zentral nuklearra lehertu zenetik. Ikerlariak bat datoz historiako istripu nuklearrik kutsagarriena izan dela, baina ez dira ados jartzen izango dituen ondorioez. Orain arteko […]
La máquina Z ayuda a explicar cómo se formó el manto de la Tierra
Los resultados de un experimento apuntan a que el hierro llegó al manto tras violentas colisiones que formaron grandes nubes alrededor del planeta. Los modelos predecían que el hierro debía […]
Shedding light on fading reds in Van Gogh’s paintings
The vibrant red leaves on the pond in Vincent van Gogh’s Wheat stack under a cloudy sky are slowly transforming into the colour of the clouds above. Now, scientists in […]
Yes, You’re Irrational, and Yes, That’s OK
Humans diverge from economic rationality. Researchers have found that all sorts of logically inconsequential circumstances—rain, sexual arousal (induced and assessed by experimenters with Saran-wrapped laptops), or just the number “67” […]
Mouse gene could help produce TB-resistant cattle, study shows
Breakthrough as scientists in China produce genetically modified animals that are more difficult to infect with tuberculosis