Zientzia hedabideetan
When Birds Squawk, Other Species Seem to Listen
Studies in recent years by many researchers have shown that animals such as birds, mammals and even fish recognize the alarm signals of other species. Some can even eavesdrop on […]
Serenading The Brain Out Of A Coma
Music is one of several triggers that have been known to occasionally rouse patients from unconsciousness. The exact mechanisms are still a mystery, but using new technologies, researchers can observe […]
Éste es el parte del tiempo en los planetas fuera del Sistema Solar
Un estudio dirigido por la Universidad de Toronto utiliza datos del Kepler para encontrar pruebas de ciclos climáticos diarios en exoplanetas.
Early men and women were equal, say scientists
Our prehistoric forebears are often portrayed as spear-wielding savages, but the earliest human societies are likely to have been founded on enlightened egalitarian principles, according to scientists.
Bitcóin, la moneda que nació de un algoritmo matemático
Invertir en bitcoines es arriesgado, dicen los expertos. Su naturaleza descentralizada puede ser caldo de cultivo para la corrupción y su volatilidad puede provocar grandes pérdidas. Sin embargo, coinciden en […]
La lenta estrangulación que mata a las galaxias
Cuando las galaxias dejan de crear estrellas mueren en un lento proceso que se extiende por cerca de cuatro mil millones de años y que las va dejando sin los […]
New for brain scientists: a census of neurons
With the launch of its searchable and publicly available “Cell Types Database,” the Allen Institute for Brain Science has taken a first crack at establishing a comprehensive census of cells […]
The Particle That Broke a Cosmic Speed Limit
Physicists are beginning to unravel the mysteries of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays, particles accelerated by the most powerful forces in the universe.
Did That Fruit Fly You Just Killed Feel Something Like Fear?
Envision a dinner party where you’re about to toast the arrival of summer. But as you raise your glass of wine you notice a fruit fly hovering right around the […]