Nature News
Mathematician who tamed randomness wins Abel Prize
Michel Talagrand laid mathematical groundwork that has allowed others to tackle problems involving random processes.
Geologists reject the Anthropocene as Earth’s new epoch — after 15 years of debate
But some are now challenging the vote, saying there were “procedural irregularities”.
Supernova mystery solved: JWST reveals the fate of an iconic stellar explosion
Decades-long quest ends as the landmark observatory detects signs of the 1987 blast’s central neutron star.
Mirror-image molecules separated using workhorse of chemistry
The ability to distinguish between left- and right-handed molecules using mass spectrometry could streamline a laborious part of drug discovery.
Signs of ‘transmissible’ Alzheimer’s seen in people who received growth hormone
The findings support a controversial hypothesis that proteins related to the neurodegenerative disease can be ‘seeded’ in the brain through material taken from cadavers.
Anti-ageing molecule boosts fertility in ageing mice
‘Undeniably groundbreaking’ work shows that declining egg quality in older mice can be reversed with a dietary supplement.
Huge new satellite outshines nearly every star in the sky
At times, the enormous telecommunications spacecraft is brighter than some of the most iconic stars visible from Earth.
This insect-sized robot can carry 22 times its own weight
The four-legged miniature machine is powered by tiny explosions.
Rare oxygen isotope detected at last — and it defies expectations
Oxygen-28 might prompt physicists to revamp theories of how atomic nuclei are structured.