Nature News
[:es]Nobel-winning ‘natural experiments’ approach made economics more robust[:]
Joshua Angrist, Guido Imbens and David Card share the prize for finding a way to identify cause and effect in social science.
[:es]How the world’s biggest brain maps could transform neuroscience[:]
Scientists around the world are working together to catalogue and map cells in the brain. What have these huge projects revealed about how it works?
[:es]This is what a solid made of electrons looks like[:]
Physicists have imaged elusive ‘Wigner crystals’ for the first time.
[:es]Will NASA’s Moon rover find enough of the ice it seeks?[:]
News of VIPER’s future landing site sparks concern about its exploration plan.
[:es]How far will global population rise? Researchers can’t agree[:]
The United Nations forecasts that nearly 11 billion people will be living on Earth at the end of the century, but other demographic research groups project that population will peak […]
[:es]New type of dark energy could solve Universe expansion mystery[:]
Hints of a previously unknown, primordial form of the substance could explain why the cosmos now seems to be expanding faster than theory predicts.
[:es]Trove of CRISPR-like gene-cutting enzymes found in microbes[:]
The search for a CRISPR enzyme’s ancestors has revealed more than one million potential genome-editing tools.