Ciencia en los medios
Vuelve el hobbit
Con la posible excepción del bosón de Higgs, el del hobbit de Floresha sido probablemente el descubrimiento con más impacto social de los últimos diez años. Y sería muy difícil decidir […]
Kantua isiltzeko bidean da
Europako landaguneetako hegaztien populazioak beherakada handia izan du 30 urte hauetan: 431 milioi txori gutxiago daude. Batez ere, XX. mendeko nekazaritza eta abeltzaintza ustiaketak eragin du hori; izan ere, lurren […]
Spiders disguise themselves as ants to hide and hunt their prey
All spiders are predators, but most of them are small and have rudimentary defences against larger animals that in turn prey on them. Spiders have thus evolved a range of […]
Rise of the Robot Security Guards
Startup Knightscope is preparing to roll out human-size robot patrols.
Where is global warming’s missing heat?
Call it the climate change conundrum: Even though humans are pumping more greenhouse gases than ever into the atmosphere, the world’s average air temperature isn’t rising as quickly as it […]
Meteorite Bears Evidence of Magnetic Fields in Early Solar System
An ancient meteorite has now yielded the first physical evidence that intense magnetic fields played a major role in the birth of our solar system.
La erradicación del sarampión, más lejos de alcanzarse según la OMS
El progreso hacia la eliminación del sarampión se ha estancado, según ha alertado hoy la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Según el informe presentado, las causas del retroceso se atribuyen […]
The Great Depression
Depression causes a greater burden of disability than any other condition, yet it is widely undiagnosed and untreated. In this special collection of articles, Nature asks why that burden is […]
Fearing Bombs That Can Pick Whom to Kill
Weapons that rely on artificial intelligence to decide what to target could become increasingly difficult to control, critics warn.