Zientzia hedabideetan
Light at the end of the scalpel
Telling cancer from non-cancer is tough for brain surgeons. Scorpions, Amazon.com and the legacy of a dying girl might change that.
Found: A 6-foot-long ‘sea scorpion’ that lived 450 million years ago
Scientists have found evidence of a giant scorpion-like animal that roamed the seas hundreds of millions of years before the dinosaurs.
Motion studies: See how they run
Software tools that track how animals move are helping researchers to do everything from diagnosing neurological conditions to illuminating evolution.
La luz también se comprime: observan un fenómeno cuántico “imposible” de ver
La base teórica estaba ahí, pero nadie había podido observar este fenómeno en la naturaleza. Su confirmación permitiría mejorar la precisión de las mediciones y observar las ondas gravitacionales.
Hacia un avión supersónico más silencioso
La NASA ha adaptado una vieja técnica de fotografía para analizar las ondas de impacto de sus aviones supersónicos. El sistema podría ayudar a desarrollar aeronaves que causen menos impacto […]
A Life in Games
John Horton Conway claims to have never worked a day in his life. This adaptation from the biography Genius at Play shows how serious advances such as the surreal numbers […]
How Fats Influence the Microbiome
Mice fed a diet high in saturated fat show shifts in their gut microbes and develop obesity-related inflammation.
Antibiotics Are Linked To Type-2 Diabetes
A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism finds that people who develop type-2 diabetes used significantly more antibiotics—even 15 years before they were diagnosed—than people […]
Atzo hil zen Oliver Sacks neurozientzialari eta idazlea
Oliver Sacks maisua izan zen zientzia eta literatura uztartzen. 82 urterekin hil zen, minbiziaren ondorioz. Hain zuzen, joan den otsailean, gibeleko minbizi hilgarria zuela iragarri zuen The New York Times […]