Zientzia hedabideetan
3-D Printing Breaks the Glass Barrier
The palette of materials that can be used as 3-D printing “ink” is quickly growing in diversity, but one ubiquitous material has, until now, been absent: transparent glass.
A Red Flag for a Neurodegenerative Disease That May Be Transmissible
Animal experiments show how a just-discovered prion triggers a rare Parkinson’s-like disease
El CERN presenta la imagen más nítida del bosón de Higgs
Tres años después del anuncio del descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs, el Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas (CERN) ha presentado la imagen más nítida de esta nueva partícula. Según […]
Distant planet’s interior chemistry may differ from our own
As astronomers continue finding new rocky planets around distant stars, high-pressure physicists are considering what the interiors of those planets might be like and how their chemistry could differ from […]
Even People Who Can’t Remember Any Dreams Are Having Them, Study Confirms
The man hasn’t recalled any dreams for 26 years, but his sleep is unquiet. Sometimes he speaks in French and Spanish or starts swearing; he has also been known to […]
GM embryos: time for ethics debate, say scientists
Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council and others call for debate on potential of altering DNA to prevent diseases – and risk of ‘designer babies’
¿Qué hay dentro del cerebro de un creador de laberintos?
Los laberintos suelen generar una fantasía. Al colocar el primer pie en uno de sus indescifrables pasillos, uno sabe que comienza un viaje de emociones. Tu cerebro activa desde miedos […]
Giza gorputzaren eboluzioa lau fasetan bereiz daitekeela proposatu dute
Hezurren Osineko fosilak aztertuta, giza gorputzaren anatomiaren eboluzioa azaltzeko eredu bat proposatu dute Atapuercako ikertzaileek. Hain zuzen, lau fasetan bereiz daitekeela esan dute.
Extreme storms may threaten unexpected parts of the world
A new method of risk assessment finds even areas that haven’t been historical hurricane hotspots may have cause for concern. The technique—a model that takes into account the physics of […]