Zientzia hedabideetan
Weak link discovered in flu vaccine
The reputation of the flu vaccine has taken a bit of a beating in recent years. Official claims about its effectiveness have been downgraded. And some years – like last […]
El ancestro de las plantas terrestres estaba programado para saltar a la orilla
El alga a partir de la cual se originó la vida terrestre ya sabía cómo sobrevivir en tierra antes de abandonar el agua. Según un nuevo estudio, el antepasado acuático […]
How Brain Scientists Outsmart Their Lab Mice
To watch the brain work during navigation, scientists build computer-generated worlds for mice.
What happened to wildlife when Chernobyl drove humans out? It thrived
People were evacuated after the Chernobyl accident, but what happened to the local wildlife? A new study shows that wildlife in the Chernobyl disaster zone is thriving, indicating that the […]
Gains in Antarctic ice might offset losses
So much ice is piling up in the vast expanses of East Antarctica that, overall, it counterbalances the losses seen at glaciers thinning elsewhere on the frozen continent. It will […]
Medikuntzako Nobel Saria, zizare bizkarroiek eragindako gaitzen eta malariaren aurkako terapiak asmatu dituztenentzat
Karolinska Institutuak jakinarazi duenez, aurten hiru ikertzaileren artean banatuko dute Fisiologia edo Medikuntzako Nobel saria; erdia William C. Campbell eta Satoshi Ōmura jasoko dute, bizkarroiek eragindako gaitzen aurka asmatutako botikarengatik, […]
The Dirty Truth About ‘Organic’ Produce
Passionate advocates of organic farming and foods resemble members of a religious cult, one founded on a “back to Nature” mentality. They are not so fundamentalist, however, that they do […]
Cómo comer y respirar cuando pesas 120 toneladas
Un estudio muestra por primera vez que las ballenas azules no se alimentan de forma continua e indiscriminada, sino que conservan fuerzas para las zonas de mayor densidad de krill.
9 cosas que te hicieron tú antes de nacer
Antes de que respiraras por primera vez, tu apariencia y gran parte de tu comportamiento “instintivo” estaban ya formados. La manera en la que te desarrollaste durante nueve meses, pasando […]