Zientzia hedabideetan
Earth’s Water May Be as Old as the Earth Itself
Ancient volcanic rocks may have preserved tiny samples of the planet’s original moisture
How the Western Diet Has Derailed Our Evolution
Burgers and fries have nearly killed our ancestral microbiome.
Earth-like world could be ‘most important planet found outside solar system’
GJ 1132b is close enough for telescopes to observe any atmosphere it might have, which could help scientists spot signs of life on other planets in the future
Being a Woman Affects How You Feel About Climate Change. So Does Being Catholic
Pew asked 45,435 adults in 40 countries how they felt about climate change.
¿Funciona un hormiguero como un sistema nervioso?
Un estudio muestra las diferentes respuestas colectivas de los insectos cuando se extrae a obreras o exploradoras del hormiguero. Sus autores sostienen que es un comportamiento parecido al de los […]
Stonehenge Begins to Yield Its Secrets
Discoveries over the last decade have revealed more about the everyday lives of the people for whom the giant monuments held meaning.
Mathematician claims breakthrough in complexity theory
For days, rumors about the biggest advance in years in so-called complexity theory have been lighting up the Internet. That’s only fitting, as the breakthrough involves comparing networks just like […]
La patente española del trigo para celíacos tendrá que buscarse la vida en el extranjero
Francisco Barro, investigador del CSIC, desarrolló hace unos meses un trigo transgénico sin gluten. Meses después, su patente se encamina a ser útil en otro país, debido a las trabas […]
What’s it like to see auroras on other planets?
Witnessing an aurora first-hand is a truly awe-inspiring experience. The natural beauty of the northern or southern lights captures the public imagination unlike any other aspect of space weather. But […]