Zientzia hedabideetan
Google Says It Has Proved Its Controversial Quantum Computer Really Works
Researchers from Google’s AI Lab say a controversial quantum machine that it and NASA bought in 2013 resoundingly beat a conventional computer in a series of tests.
Big Data’s Mathematical Mysteries
Machine learning works spectacularly well, but mathematicians aren’t quite sure why.
El objetivo de los 2 ºC no es suficiente para los científicos
Mientras que los políticos se esfuerzan en llegar a un acuerdo que limite el aumento de las temperaturas en 2 ºC para finales del siglo, un grupo de científicos ha […]
Dinosaurs evolved much faster than previously thought
Dinosaurs evolved from their smaller ancestors in just a few million years and not the 10 million years or more scientists had suspected, according to a new study. The work, […]
The truth about fetal tissue research
The use of aborted fetal tissue has sparked controversy in the United States, but many scientists say it is essential for studies of HIV, development and more.
Hizkuntza arau unibertsalen arabera antolatzen da garunean
Txinera, hebreera, ingelesa eta gaztelania hitz egiten duten pertsonen garunak aztertuta, frogatu dute, idatzizko zein ahozko hizkuntza ulertzean, garuneko gune berberak erabiltzen direla hizkuntza guztietan. Nazioarteko ikerketa bat izan da, […]
Scientists Seek Moratorium on Edits to Human Genome That Could Be Inherited
An international group of scientists meeting in Washington called on Thursday for what would, in effect, be a moratorium on making inheritable changes to the human genome.
Las asombrosas costumbres del mamífero más raro del mundo
No es un gran calificativo. Ser el más raro de algo indica que es probable que pronto acabes desapareciendo. A primera vista, al futuro se ve gris para el gibón […]
Kepler’s false-positive rate for some planets is higher than thought
NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has found thousands of prospective planets around nearby stars. But the trick is often in confirming whether they’re real or fakes. Now, a new study of gas […]