Zientzia hedabideetan
Gene Editing Offers Hope for Treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Three research groups, working independently of one another, reported in the journal Science on Thursday that a powerful new gene-editing technique could treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy in mice.
All Stories Are the Same
From Avatar to The Wizard of Oz, Aristotle to Shakespeare, there’s one clear form that dramatic storytelling has followed since its inception.
Las entrañas de lo cotidiano
Una exposición recoge cómo se ven distintos objetos a través de un TAC de última generación.
One of the most powerful N. Atlantic storms on record builds 55-ft waves and brings winter melting to North Pole
A monstrously powerful North Atlantic storm has done the unthinkable: By drawing warm air up from the south into the Arctic, it likely pushed up temperatures at the North Pole today to just above […]
The problem with science journalism: we’ve forgotten what reality matters most
It’s the job of science journalists to look beyond data – we have to look at the people doing the science and whether they have conflicts of interest
Meet 2 New Spider Species: ‘Skeletorus’ and ‘Sparklemuffin’
Two gorgeous new species of peacock spiders nicknamed “Skeletorus” and”Sparklemuffin” have been discovered in Australia, according to a new report.
Gone in 2015: Commemorating Ten Outstanding Women in Science
These notable researchers who passed away during the year just ending made key contributions to ecology, planetary science, medicine, chemical engineering, and more.
Urteko lorpena, duda etikoen eragile
Urtero bezala, lorpen zientifiko-teknologiko nagusien zerrenda egin dute zientzia-aldizkariek, eta gehienek gai bera aukeratu dute lehen tokirako: CRISPR teknika. Geneak eraldatzeko teknika horrek itxaropen handia piztu du, eta, aurreko urteetan […]
A Fight for the Soul of Science
String theory, the multiverse and other ideas of modern physics are potentially untestable. At a historic meeting in Munich, scientists and philosophers asked: should we trust them anyway?