Zientzia hedabideetan
Scientists swab C-section babies with mothers’ microbes
Newborns were exposed experimentally to vaginal microbes to restore the microbiomes they missed.
El hombre que crea copos de nieve idénticos
Kenneth G. Libbrecht lleva 20 años estudiando la formación de cristales de hielo y ha diseñado una técnica que le permite producir a la vez dos copos prácticamente iguales.
The Food Gap Is Widening
Wealthy people are eating better than ever, while the poor are eating worse.
Zika birusaren hedapenari eta ondorioei neurria hartu nahian
Munduko Osasun Erakundeak gaur erabakiko du Zika birusarengatik mundu-mailako larrialdi egoera ezarriko ote duen. Izan ere, infekzioak izugarri ari dira hedatzen, bereziki Amerikako eremu tropikaletan, eta, horrekin batera, asko areagotu […]
Researchers Are One Step Closer to Mind Reading in Real Time
In a study published Thursday in the journal Plos Computational Biology, researchers from the US used computational software to decode brain signals and predict what their subjects were seeing in […]
Searching for the Algorithms Underlying Life
The biological world is computational at its core, argues computer scientist Leslie Valiant. His “ecorithm” approach uses computational concepts to explore fundamental mysteries of evolution and the mind.
El difícil camino de las físicas y las ingenieras
Las mujeres que se dedican a carreras científicas afrontan más obstáculos que sus colegas varones
Octopuses more social than thought
The octopuses sometimes wrestle after they display to one another.
What Would It Take to Prove the Zika–Microcephaly Link
Public health officials are not yet ready to say the connection is causal