Zientzia hedabideetan
Genomaren zabor emankorra
DNA «zaborraz» hitz egin izan da sarri, genomaren zati batek ezertarako ez zuela balio uste izan baita. Haatik, usteak erdia ustel; koloneko minbiziaren inguruko aurkikuntza bat horren isla da.
Study Says Organic Milk Offers No Nutrition Boost
People choose organic dairy products for any number of reasons, including their perceptions on the environmental impacts of dairy farming, the treatment of cows, and the safety of milk from […]
A Working Malaria Vaccine That Can’t Get Money
Malaria has plagued humankind for more than 4,000 years, causing every second human death since the Middle Ages. There has never been an effective vaccine against malaria or any other […]
Gusanos expuestos a microgravedad transmiten modificaciones epigenéticas a su prole
Investigadores estadounidenses han confirmado en gusanos C. elegans que la microgravedad afecta a su epigenética, el conjunto de modificaciones químicas que regulan la expresión de sus genes dependiendo del ambiente, […]
The Man Who Tried to Redeem the World with Logic
Walter Pitts rose from the streets to MIT, but couldn’t escape himself.
Breakthrough DNA Editor Borne of Bacteria
Interest in a powerful DNA editing tool called CRISPR has revealed that bacteria are far more sophisticated than anyone imagined.
Bizkarroiak elkarlanean edo lehian, ostalariaren portaera aldatzeko
Bi zizare bizkarroi ostalari berean bizi direnean eta helburu bera dutenean, indarrak batzen dituzte ostalariaren portaeran eragiteko; helburu desberdinak dituztenean, ordea, zaharrenak irabazten du.
How Henry Cavendish Used a Wire to Measure a Tiny Force of Gravity
The crowning achievement of the 18th-century researcher was the design of the first experiment to measure the force of gravity between masses in a lab
Odoleko entzima batek agresibitatea txikitzen du
Odolean ohikoa den entzima batek agresibitatea erregulatzen duela argitu dute AEBko eta Kanadako ikertzaile batzuek. Saguetan egindako esperimentuetan ikusi dute entzima hori areagotzean oldarkortasuna nabarmen txikitzen dela.