Zientzia hedabideetan
Termites: Guardians of the Soil
Researchers at Princeton University and their colleagues recently reported in the journal Science that termite mounds may serve as oases in the desert, allowing the plants that surround them to […]
Litioaren jatorri leherkorra
Astronomoek lehen aldiz behatu dute litio elementuaren sorrera nova leherketa batean
A step closer to explaining high-temperature superconductivity?
For years some physicists have been hoping to crack the mystery of high-temperature superconductivity—the ability of some complex materials to carry electricity without resistance at temperatures high above absolute zero—by […]
Scientists shocked by far-out star clusters on fringes of Milky Way
High above the spiral Milky Way, astronomers have spotted two clusters of new stars growing at the fringes of our galaxy. The discovery, published in the journal Monthly Notices of […]
La escalofriante historia del frío artificial
Todo empezó hace 200 años con unos cubos gigantes de hielo. Esta es la escalofriante -por sorprendente- historia de los hombres que cambiaron el planeta para siempre, bajándole la temperatura.
Slick idea proposed to stretch water supplies
In drought-ridden US, water managers consider using a coating one molecule thick to reduce evaporation from reservoirs.
Giza garuna handitzearen gako genetikoak
Neokortexa handitzea eragiten duten giza gene bat eta gene-erregulatzaile bat identifikatu dituzte
¿De qué color ves este vestido? La ciencia explica por qué nadie se pone de acuerdo
Se ha convertido en el tema del día en internet. Unas personas ven el vestido blanco y dorado y otras lo ven azul y negro. Aunque te parezca increíble, la […]
The troubled history of the foreskin
Common in the US, rare in Europe and now championed in Africa, male circumcision is hotly debated.