Zientzia hedabideetan
The Rules of Wrinkling, From Brain Folds to Pumpkin Ridges
Creases, ridges, folds and “delaminated buckles” are all different forms of wrinkling.
Blocking the high: one man’s quixotic quest to cure addiction
If you could take the high out of drugs, what would be the point in taking them? Meet the unorthodox doctor who thinks he can block some of the world’s […]
15 cambios que nos hicieron humanos
Los humanos somos probablemente la especie más rara que jamás ha existido. Tenemos cerebros extravagantemente grandes que nos permiten construir complicados artefactos, entender conceptos abstractos y comunicarnos usando el lenguaje. […]
Lopsided ice on the moon points to past shift in poles
What little ice remains on Mercury and Mars is mostly confined to the planets’ poles, as one would expect, because the sun shines the least in those regions. Not so […]
The Secret History of the Supernova at the Bottom of the Sea
How a star explosion may have shaped life on Earth.
Así olvidamos: el cerebro suprime los recuerdos que compiten entre sí
Un equipo de investigadores descubre el proceso por el cual el cerebro suprime activamente un recuerdo cuando interfiere con otro y lo considera irrelevante. El mecanismo explica algunas de nuestras […]
The Next Frontier: The Great Indoors
In 1962, the ecologist Robert Whitaker set out to categorize the different realms of life on Earth. Some were deserts, others tundra, still others tropical forests. He coined a word […]
“AN INORDINATE fondness for beetles.” That was the reply of J.B.S. Haldane, a British scientific polymath of the early 20th century, when he was asked if there were anything that […]
UK mapped out by genetic ancestry
Researchers have found genetic signatures among Britons that betray their historical roots in particular locales of the United Kingdom, leading to the finest-scale map of genetic variation yet created. The […]