Zientzia hedabideetan
Hizketaren analisia, alzheimerra goiz detektatzeko
Alzheimerraren detekzio goiztiarrerako zenbait metodologia ez-inbaditzaile garatzen ari da EHUko ELEKIN ikerketa-taldea. Ingeniaritza biomedikoa da taldearen ikerketa-ildoetako bat. Zehazki, bioseinaleak aztertzeko sistemak ari dira garatzen, diagnostiko medikoetan laguntzeko.
Stem Cells Finally Deliver, But Not on Their Original Promise
In their investigations into the potential therapeutic functions of stem cells, scientists have discovered another way to help those suffering from neurodegenerative and other incurable diseases. With stem cells, researchers […]
Compulsive Behavior Sells
Nir Eyal is showing software designers how to hook users in four easy steps. Welcome to the new era of habit-forming technology.
Science Explains Why CDs Shatter Upon Spinning too Fast
You might not expect this, since CDs and DVDs are made to be spun around, but if you rotate one of them very quickly it will shatter, appearing to immediately […]
Dos estudiantes crean un extintor que apaga el fuego con sonido
El dispositivo podría utilizarse en las cocinas de casas y restaurantes e incluso en el espacio, donde los extintores tradicionales no son tan eficientes por la microgravedad.
Saturnoren egunaren iraupena zehaztu dute
10 ordu, 32 minutu eta 45 segundo. Horixe da Saturnoren egun batek irauten duena, metodo berri bat erabiliz Israelgo ikertzaile batzuek kalkulatu dutenez. Naturen argitaratu dute lana.
Louis Nirenberg, el genio eclipsado por ‘Una mente maravillosa’
Louis Nirenberg ha obtenido junto a John Nash el premio Abel de matemáticas en 2015. Aunque su contribución es importante y extensa, su nombre es desconocido para la mayoría del […]
Did Neurons Evolve Twice?
The comb jelly, a primitive marine creature, is forcing scientists to rethink how animals got their start.
Europa’s Elusive Water Plume Paints Grim Picture For Life
A new paper reveals that Europa’s atmosphere is 100 times less abundant than claims in previous publications, and composed mainly of atomic rather than molecular oxygen.