The Conversation
Early humans had to become more feminine before they could dominate the planet
Two recent papers throw some light on how the revolutionary development of smaller and more fine-boned humans influenced the growth of cooperative culture, the birth of agriculture and human dominance […]
Revealed: the great geologist behind the Origin of Species
To understand how Darwin arrived at these conclusions it is necessary to turn to the manuscripts from the first half of his life. They reveal something that is not nearly […]
How frogs and fish can help us learn to freeze humans
From Star Wars to Futurama to Alien, the idea that humans can be frozen in time in order to be awoken later is a well-established sci-fi trope. While stopping biological […]
Here’s what baboons can teach us about social media
“Birds of a feather flock together” is a saying that exists in a number of different languages. “Gambá cheira gambá” (opossums smell other opossums) in Brazilian Portuguese is a particularly […]
Sex offending may be in the genes but knowing that won’t prevent it
The research, which analysed DNA from 21,566 men convicted of sex offences in Sweden between 1973 and 2009, found that sons and brothers of convicted sex offenders were four to […]
Number-crunching Higgs boson: meet the world’s largest distributed computer grid
The world’s largest science experiment, the Large Hadron Collider, has potentially delivered one of physics’ “Holy Grails” in the form of the Higgs boson. Much of the science came down […]
There’s no evidence human pheromones exist – no matter what you find for sale online
The idea of human pheromones is intuitively appealing, conjuring up the idea of secret signals that make us irresistible to potential partners. But this connection of pheromones with sex may […]
We’re all mammals – so why do we look so different?
It is easy to distinguish a mouse from a cow. But for members of the same class of mammal, where do such differences begin? In 2011, scientists discovered there were […]
On the origin of 4-4-2: evolution, animals and football
Natural selection has shaped many different animal groups, from V-like formations of bird flocks to circular mills of schooling fish. These shapes are the result of millions of years of […]