[:es]Google’s new translation software is powered by brainlike artificial intelligence[:]
The new system, a deep learning model known as neural machine translation, effectively trains itself—and reduces translation errors by up to 87%.
[:es]Five surprising ways AI could be a part of our lives by 2030[:]
Defined simply, a computer with AI is able to respond to its environment by learning on its own—without humans providing specific instructions. A new report from Stanford University in Palo […]
Industrial air pollution leaves magnetic waste in the brain
If you live in an urban environment, chances are you’ve got nanomagnets on the brain—literally. New research suggests that most magnetite found in the human brain, a magnetic iron oxide […]
The world may soon run out of drugs to treat gonorrhea
It’s another sign that an era of untreatable bacterial infections is inching closer. The World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines for treating gonorrhea that reflect the sobering reality that […]
Dim nearby galaxy is nearly 100% dark matter
Astronomers have spotted a dim and unexpectedly dense galaxy that may be almost entirely made of dark matter. Dubbed Dragonfly 44, this nearby group of stars (yellowish smudge at center […]
Solar still made of bubble wrap could purify water for the poor
Solar stills can make tainted water or seawater fit to drink. But to produce more than a trickle, devices typically require expensive lenses or other equipment. Not anymore. Today, researchers […]
Anthrax genome reveals secrets about a Soviet bioweapons accident
Some call it the “biological Chernobyl.” On 2 April 1979, a plume of anthrax spores was accidentally released from a secret bioweapons facility in the Soviet city of Sverdlovsk. Propelled […]
Candidate cancer drug suspected after death of three patients at an alternative medicine clinic
A new type of cancer drug developed at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, but not yet tested in clinical trials may have triggered the deaths of three patients who […]
The storyteller
With Rainer Weiss, gravitational wave hunter and likely Nobel laureate, there’s the story—and there’s the subtext.