Ciencia en los medios
Nanoparticle drug stops cancer’s spread in mice
When a person dies from cancer, the culprit is usually not the original tumor but rather the cancerous cells that spread throughout the body and replicate in distant organs, a […]
Tool making arose earlier among human ancestors
Our ape-like ancestors may have stopped dragging their knuckles and started making tools a half million years earlier than previously thought, according to a new study.
El ADN de los superhéroes
La biomedicina lleva años buscando las claves de enfermedades en el ADN de sus pacientes. Se han descrito miles de mutaciones relacionadas con la hipertensión, la diabetes y el alzhéimer, […]
Dying star could be behind immensely powerful radio bursts ‘heard’ live
A fleeting but immensely powerful celestial signal has been “heard” live for the first time, radio astronomers in Australia have announced, bringing scientists a step closer to discovering its mysterious […]
Uhin elektromagnetikoek gorputzean duten eragina jakiteko eredu bat garatu dute
Uhin elektromagnetikoek gorputzean duten eragina jakiteko eredu bat garatu dute
Drones That Can Suck Up Water Hunt Oil Leaks, Invasive Species
Drones able to take water samples could be the first in a new wave of hands-on aerial robots.
Descubren al culpable de los movimientos bruscos de las placas tectónicas
El movimiento brusco de las placas tectónicas provoca terremotos, que desembocan en desastres naturales y cuantiosas pérdidas materiales y humanas. Normalmente se deslizan suavemente durante cientos de millones de años, […]
The cosmic chemistry that gave rise to water
Earth’s water has a mysterious past stretching back to the primordial clouds of gas that birthed the Sun and other stars. By using telescopes and computer simulations to study such […]
On the origin of 4-4-2: evolution, animals and football
Natural selection has shaped many different animal groups, from V-like formations of bird flocks to circular mills of schooling fish. These shapes are the result of millions of years of […]