The Guardian
[:es]Make way for megamarsupials: the migration of Australia’s extinct megafauna[:]
Diprotodon was the largest marsupial ever to live. New evidence shows it migrated annually – and could make us reassess what we know of other extinct marsupials
[:es]How Neolithic farming sowed the seeds of modern inequality 10,000 years ago[:]
The prehistoric shift towards cultivation began our preoccupation with hierarchy and growth – and even changed how we perceive the passage of time
[:es]Bitcoin mining consumes more electricity a year than Ireland[:]
Network’s estimated power use also exceeds that of 19 other European countries, consuming more than five times output of continent’s largest windfarm
[:es]’Zombie star’ amazes astronomers by surviving multiple supernovae[:]
Star has exploded in ‘fatal’ supernovae multiple times since 1954 – and is the first star astronomers have witnessed doing so
[:es]’It’s able to create knowledge itself’: Google unveils AI that learns on its own[:]
In a major breakthrough for artificial intelligence, AlphaGo Zero took just three days to master the ancient Chinese board game of Go … with no human help
[:es]Malaria parasite spreads from howler monkeys to humans[:]
Researchers identify Plasmodium simium in Atlantic Forest area of Rio de Janeiro state, raising concerns for eradication of disease in Brazil and beyond
[:eu]Moon wetter than previously thought, raising new manned mission possibilities[:]
Satellite data reveals trapped water across the moon’s surface – not just at the poles – in deposits from ancient eruptions, say researchers
[:eu]’Tired of medals’: new letters reveal how Alfred Russel Wallace shunned Darwin’s fame[:]
From declining royal honour to refusing to sit for a portrait, correspondences show co-discoverer of evolutionary theory avoiding publicity
[:eu]The ancient mystery of St Hilda’s ‘snake stones’: what do ammonites really look like?[:]
Despite being among the most recognisable, common fossils, not one has been found that gives us an accurate idea of how the animals looked in life