The Economist
[:es]Summoned by screams[:]
The ways plants attract pollinators can be strange indeed
[:es]Why bad science persists: Incentive malus[:]
Poor scientific methods may be hereditary
What is the Nash Equilibrium and why does it matter?
Decisions that are good for individuals can sometimes be terrible for groups
Seek, but shall ye find?
A proliferation of quieter submarines is pushing navies to concoct better ways to track them
Researchers have built an artificial neuron
Narrowing the gap between biological brains and electronic ones
Declare war on misleading metaphors
Metaphors matter. The right one can suggest new lines of inquiry and non-obvious solutions to pressing problems. But pick the wrong one and you risk being misled by false analogies […]
Shell shock
Tiny fossils used to date rocks may not be the accurate clocks once believed
Mitochondrial donation: Three’s company
Mice with genes from three parents live longer
Microbes and autism: Gut feelings
The theory that bacteria are involved in some cases of autism gets a boost