Scientific American
Mysterious Blobs Found inside Cells Are Rewriting the Story of How Life Works
Tiny specks called biomolecular condensates are leading to a new understanding of the cell
Inside a 3D-Printed Universe
Three-dimensional printouts of stellar nurseries are helping to reveal how stars are born
The Strangely Serious Implications of Math’s ‘Ham Sandwich Theorem’
A simple solution to gerrymandering crumbles when confronted with math’s ‘ham sandwich theorem’
How String Theory Solved Math’s Monstrous Moonshine Problem
A concept from theoretical physics helped confirm the strange connection between two completely different areas of mathematics
Surprising Creatures Lurk in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
In the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic creates strange communities that bring coastal and open-ocean animals together
2 High School Students Prove Pythagorean Theorem. Here’s What That Means
t an American Mathematical Society meeting, high school students presented a proof of the Pythagorean theorem that used trigonometry—an approach that some once considered impossible
Asteroid Didymos May Spin So Fast It Flings Rocks into Space
The asteroid Didymos witnessed its companion get slammed by NASA’s DART spacecraft, and Didymos itself may have interesting activity
The Right Words Are Crucial to Solving Climate Change
Speaking to people’s priorities can build the will needed to implement climate solutions
Cataclysmic Collisions May Explain ‘Forbidden’ Exoplanets
A new model could explain the scarcity of certain planet sizes