Science Alert
Packing Aerogel With Uranium Could Give Us The Space Engine We’ve Been Looking For
Novel propulsion ideas for moving around space seem like they’re a dime a dozen recently. Besides the typical argument between solar sails and chemical propulsion lies a potential third way […]
Astronomers Pinpoint The Mysterious ‘Engine’ of a Super-Powerful Intergalactic Light
A bright infrared light blazing from two galaxies in the process of merging has just been yanked out of hiding.
Study of 500,000 Medical Records Links Viruses to Alzheimer’s Again And Again
A study of around 500,000 medical records has suggested that severe viral infections like encephalitis and pneumonia increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
There’s a ‘Lost City’ Deep in The Ocean, And It’s Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen
Close to the summit of an underwater mountain west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a jagged landscape of towers rises from the gloom.
Scientists Have Built a Macroscopic Tractor Beam Using Laser Light
Tractor beams make intuitive sense. Matter and energy interact with each other in countless ways throughout the Universe. Magnetism and gravity are both natural forces that can draw objects together, […]
Space Probes Sent by Aliens Could Arrive in Reverse. Here’s Why.
If we ever detect an Extraterrestrial Civilization (ETC) and start communicating with them, the messages could take years, decades, or even centuries to travel back and forth.
US Approves First Vaccine For Bees Amid Global Pollinator Crisis
Commercial beekeepers in the United States will soon have access to a vaccine that could save their hives from the most devastating disease honeybees face today.
We May Be Able to Find Life on Enceladus Without Even Landing
Saturn’s moon Enceladus is one of the Solar System’s prime extraterrestrial locations for life to thrive. It harbors a global salty ocean that internal heating theoretically keeps at temperatures hospitable […]
We May Be Able to Find Life on Enceladus Without Even Landing
Saturn’s moon Enceladus is one of the Solar System’s prime extraterrestrial locations for life to thrive. It harbors a global salty ocean that internal heating theoretically keeps at temperatures hospitable […]