Science Alert
[:es] Astronomers Detect a Lurking Cosmic Cloud, Bigger Than The Entire Milky Way [:]
In the yawning vacuum of intergalactic space, something large is lurking.
[:es] Methane Keeps Showing Up on Mars. NASA Just Got Closer to Solving The Mystery [:]
Methane is an organic molecule that hangs around in Earth’s atmosphere and is mostly produced by living organisms, most notoriously by farting cows. Its detection on Mars, on the other […]
[:es] ‘Fool’s Gold’ Actually Contains a Newly Discovered Type of Real Gold, Scientists Find [:]
Ironically, pyrite crystals can contain small amounts of real gold, although it is notoriously hard to extract.
[:es] Earth’s Atmosphere Could Be a Truly Rare Thing, Thanks to One Chemical Process [:]
Life currently has a sample size of just one. Without an alien or two to expand the boundaries of biology, Earth’s evolutionary history sets the limits on whether we can […]
[:es] Ancient Rocks Reveal How Volcanos Unleashed The Mother of All Extinctions [:]
Over a quarter of a billion years ago, at the close of the Permian, life’s resilience was put to the ultimate test. Nine out of every ten marine species perished […]
[:es] A Key Property of Life Has Been Detected From High Altitude For The First Time [:]
Hold up your hands in front of your face. For most people, they will be mirrored copies of each other: You can hold them palm-to-palm and they will match up, […]
[:es] Two Previously Unknown Brain Cell Types Have Been Discovered in Mouse Study [:]
Despite us having mapped and categorized so much of mammal biology already, there are still new surprises lying in wait. Now, scientists have found two new types of glia – […]
[:es] Humans Are Evolving Faster Than Ever. The Reason Is Not Genetic[:]
At the mercy of natural selection since the dawn of life, our ancestors adapted, mated and died, passing on tiny genetic mutations that eventually made humans what we are today. […]
[:es] Humans Can Learn How to ‘Echolocate’ in Just 10 Weeks, Experiment Shows [:]
With enough training, most humans can learn how to echolocate, using their tongue to make clicking sounds, and interpreting the sounds of the echoes that come back, reflected from the […]