[:es] Five small parrots flew into a tunnel…[:]
…and appear to have changed our thinking on how they did it.
[:es] Concrete, clean thyself[:]
Scientists say their new version does just that.
[:es] A weakened black hole allows its galaxy to awaken[:]
New data provides compelling evidence of a unique phenomenon.
[:es] Endangered birds leave genetic clues in their drinking water[:]
Environmental DNA proving a powerful tool that could aid conservation.
[:es]AI learns to design[:]
The challenge is to solve engineering problems the same way as humans.
[:es] Fossils provide new insights into when apes began to walk[:]
They may also reveal a common ancestor of humans and great apes.
[:es] Your brain approaches tricky tasks in a surprisingly simple way[:]
James Shine, from Australia’s University of Sydney, investigates the ‘low-dimensional manifold’.
[:es] Mercury revealed as hidden driver in mass extinctions[:]
Fossilised ferns reveal high rates of species-ending mutations
[:es] Placebo effect can be a social thing[:]
Doctors’ beliefs influence patients’ pain