Ciencia en los medios
Del puño y letra de Darwin
El Museo de Historia Natural de Nueva York y la Universidad de Cambridge publican digitalizados los manuscritos del creador de la teoría de la evolución
Los perros distinguen los diferentes componentes del habla humana
¿Tu perro obedece inmediatamente a una orden y responde por su nombre? Aunque muchos dirían que su mejor amigo entiende todo, lo que en realidad hace el cerebro canino es […]
Water-Repellent Coating Could Make Power Plants Greener
A startup has created a water-repellent coating that could significantly increase power plants’ efficiency.
DNA Can Survive Reentry from Space
Genetic blueprints attached to a rocket survived a short spaceflight and later passed on their biological instructions
Immune system offers clues to cancer treatment
Molecular signatures hint at who will benefit from next-generation cancer drugs.
Cows with human chromosomes enlisted to fight hantavirus
A team led by researchers at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Frederick, Maryland, has used genetically engineered cows to produce large amounts of human antibodies […]
Gecko Gloves Let Scientist Climb Sheer Glass Walls
An American engineer has made a pair of gloves inspired by geckos’ feet that could allow him to climb glass buildings, bringing super-hero fantasy closer to reality.
Bakterio patogenoak, nagusi saien hesteetan
Saien hesteetako mikroorganismoak aztertuta, ikertzaileek ikusi dute gainerakoontzat hilgarriak diren bakterioak direla nagusi haien hesteetan. Ikertzaileen esanean, mikroorganismo horiek eta urdaileko azidoek azaltzen dute saien gaitasuna haragi ustela jateko.
In other words: inside the lives and minds of real-time translators
The world’s most powerful computers can’t perform accurate real-time translation. Yet interpreters do it with ease. Geoff Watts meets the neuroscientists who are starting to explain this remarkable ability.