Ciencia en los medios
Teachers Give Lower Math Scores to Girls
Teachers’ unconscious beliefs in the aptitude of boys over girls come out when grading math tests
Las estrellas como el Sol también explotan cuando mueren
Una estrella observada justo en el momento en que acaba de convertirse en nebulosa planetaria, aporta nuevas claves sobre la muerte de estrellas similares al Sol.
People are animals, too
The human brain is special. Just not that special. To understand animal minds, and our own place in the living world, we should remove ourselves from centre stage, argues Peter […]
Five things scientists could learn with their new, improved particle accelerator
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is back, and it’s better than ever. The particle accelerator, located at CERN, the European particle physics lab near Geneva, shut down in February 2013, and since […]
Adiós a la factura de la luz: Tesla llegará a los hogares en seis meses
Elon Musk ya ha demostrado que la gasolina no es necesaria, y pretende demostrar que es posible viajar a Marte. Ahora, el fundador de Tesla y SpaceX promete acabar con […]
Las madres no tienen la culpa
Estamos habituados a leer que los hábitos de la mujer embarazada alteran los genes del bebé. Sin embargo, los estudios epigenéticos se basan en modelos animales, y los que se […]
Southwest and Great Plains at risk of 21st century ‘mega-drought’
Global warming will bring the «unprecedented» risk of a decades-long mega-drought in the Southwest and Great Plains of United States during the second half of the century, researchers claim.
European languages linked to migration from the east
Large ancient-DNA study uncovers population that moved westwards 4,500 years ago.
Orkidea eta sitsa
Darwin txundituta gelditu zen orkidea harekin. James Bateman lorezain ospetsuak bidali zion, 1862ko urtarrilean, Madagaskartik ekarritako beste hainbat orkidearekin batera. Honela idatzi zion Joseph Hooker-i: “Jaso berri dut, Bateman jaunak […]