Ciencia en los medios
Physics: Quantum computer quest
After a 30-year struggle to harness quantum weirdness for computing, physicists finally have their goal in reach.
Smoking erases Y chromosomes
If cancer, heart disease, and emphysema weren’t bad enough, male smokers may have another thing to worry about: losing their Y chromosomes.
La anguila eléctrica controla los movimientos de sus presas a distancia
Un estudio demuestra que las descargas de estos animales bloquean las neuronas motoras de sus presas, de modo que facilitan la captura.
Retorno a la madre África
El mayor estudio de la variedad genómica subsahariana ilumina los orígenes y la compleja historia de mestizaje de la humanidad moderna
Milk bottle-raiding birds pass on thieving ways to their flock
Great tits are opportunistic copycats. Entire populations can be found performing the same arbitrary behaviour simply because birds copy one another, following a fashion. And it’s this behaviour, reported in […]
Astronomers solve mystery of the universe’s missing stars
For more than a decade scientists have been at a loss to explain why there are fewer stars than they predicted
Homo erectus made world’s oldest doodle 500,000 years ago
Shell markings are the oldest abstract signs ever discovered.
Haustura hidraulikoaren bidezko gasaren aurreikuspenak, ez hain onak
Haustura hidraulikoa erabilita erauztea espero zuten gas-kantitatea berez ez dela hain handia erakutsi du Nature aldizkariak egindako azterketa batek. Hain zuzen, Estatu Batuetako energiari buruzko informazio-sailaren (EIA) aurreikuspenak eta Texasko […]
3D compass cells found in the bat brain
Head direction cells in the bat hippocampus encode three-dimensional representations of space