Microbes Likely Form Magnetite in the South China Sea
Researchers sampled sediment cores and found that where magnetite was abundant, methane-producing bacteria were as well.
Cómo los movimientos del manto dan forma a la superficie terrestre
Dos nuevos conjuntos de datos ayudan a los investigadores a separar las influencias de la tectónica de placas y el movimiento del manto en la topografía de la superficie.
Sedimentary Basins Tell Zealandia’s Ancient Story
New interpretations and mapping of all New Zealand’s offshore sedimentary basins offer clues about the evolution of Earth’s eighth continent.
The Link Between Extreme Heat and Preterm Birth
Heat waves are making pregnancy more dangerous and exacerbating existing maternal health disparities.
How Are Deep Soils Responding to Warming?
Scientists aim to integrate observations from deep-soil-warming experiments worldwide to better understand how ecosystems vital to food security and environmental health will react to climate change.
Climate Change Is Likely to Slash Global Income
A new study estimates that climate change could cost $38 trillion per year, but emissions mitigation and adaptation strategies could limit future damages.
The Open Ocean, Aerosols, and Every Other Breath You Take
Phytoplankton and other marine plants produce half of Earth’s atmospheric oxygen and have big effects on food webs and climate. To do so, they rely on nutrients from the sky […]
Núcleos de hielo de la Antártica capturan la contaminación de los metales pesados y su historia
Un núcleo de hielo que tiene registro más de 2 milenios, sugiere que la minería y la metalurgia aumentaron y disminuyeron con acontecimientos como las guerras y las epidemias.
Holes in Ross Sea Ice Grow and Shrink in Unexpected Cycle
Changes in polynya area in the Ross Sea region off Antarctica follow a previously unidentified 16-year periodicity.