Science in the media
Multiverse Collisions May Dot the Sky
Early in cosmic history, our universe may have bumped into another — a primordial clash that could have left traces in the Big Bang’s afterglow.
Venenos para curar el cerebro
Hay algo que una simple abeja puede hacer mejor que muchas empresas farmacéuticas: llegar con su veneno al sistema nervioso central. Por eso algunos equipos de investigación estudian las sustancias […]
Beste giza genoma zahar bat, Europaren populatze konplexuaren erakusle
Duela 38.700 eta 36.200 urte artean Errusia europarrean bizi izan zen gizon baten genoma argitaratu dute gaur Science aldizkarian. Aste gutxiko epean argitaratzen den bigarren antzinako giza genoma da; batak […]
Revolutionary New Antibiotic Alternative Could Save the World From Superbug ‘Apocalypse’
Scientists have developed a new alternative to antibiotics that could revolutionise the way we treat superbugs and avoid a scenario where common medical procedures become life-threatening due to bacteria becoming […]
Genetically modified crops: Field research
The biggest study so far finds that GM crops have large, widespread benefits
Geoengineering could prevent climate effects caused by giant volcanic eruptions
Shooting huge amounts of non-ozone-harming greenhouse gases into the atmosphere could counteract vast volcanic sulphur clouds that cause perpetual winters, new research suggests
Half of stars lurk outside galaxies
Rocket experiment captures glow attributed to renegade stars in intergalactic space.
El proceso de formación de planetas, visto como nunca hasta ahora
Una nueva imagen de la estrella HL Tauri, con detalles que nunca se habían visto hasta ahora, ha despertado la euforia entre los astrónomos que han empezado a trabajar con […]
Rhythmic Rewiring
Circadian neurons in fruit flies form synapses with different, noncircadian brain regions depending on the time of day.