Science in the media
Himalaia erliebeari itsatsita zeharkatzen dute antzarek
Tontorretan gora eta haranetan behera, erliebeari itsatsita zeharkatzen dituzte Himalaia eta Tibeteko goi-lautada antzara indiarrek, mendi errusiarraren erako ibilbideak eginez. Hala ondorioztatu du Bangorko Unibertsitateko (Erresuma Batua) ikertzaile batzuek gidatutako […]
Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction, Broad Study Says
A team of scientists, in a groundbreaking analysis of data from hundreds of sources, has concluded that humans are on the verge of causing unprecedented damage to the oceans and […]
Un enfoque revolucionario para afrontar la pérdida de biodiversidad
La Plataforma Intergubernamental sobre Diversidad Biológica y Servicios de los Ecosistemas (IPBES) ha dado a conocer, tras más de dos años de trabajo, su primer producto “público”. Se trata de […]
Stick the landing
The minuscule white blob at left in the image above is Beagle 2, Britain’s first (and so far only) Mars probe, which vanished after entering the Martian atmosphere on Christmas […]
Hidden hurdle for women in science
Women shy away from fields in which talent, not hard work, is thought to be key, survey suggests.
Klima aldaketa, norabide aldaketa
Munduak asko mugatu beharko du erregai fosilen erabilera, zientzialariek ohartarazi duten bi graduko tenperatura igoera ez gertatzeko. Petrolio erreserben herenek, gasekoen erdiek eta ikatzekoen ia guztiek lur azpian jarraitu beharko […]
Scientists recommend 20-minute daily walk to avoid premature death
Scientists looked at the effects of obesity and exercise on 334,161 European men and women whose progress was followed for 12 years. They found that people who engaged in moderate […]
FDA approves a device for weight loss
In a bid to increase treatments for the nation’s 79 million obese adults, the Food and Drug Administration has approved U.S. marketing of an implantable device that stimulates weight loss […]
A Brain-Computer Interface That Works Wirelessly
A wireless transmitter could give paralyzed people a practical way to control TVs, computers, or wheelchairs with their thoughts.