Nature News
First rodent found with a human-like menstrual cycle
The spiny mouse could one day aid studies of women’s reproductive problems.
CRISPR gene-editing system unleashed on RNA
Researchers who discovered a molecular “scissors” for snipping genes have now developed a similar approach for targeting and cutting RNA. The new cutting tool should help researchers better understand RNA’s […]
1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility
More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. Those are some of the […]
Biodiversity: Life – a status report
Of all the species that have populated Earth at some time over the past 3.5 billion years, more than 95% have vanished — many of them in spectacular die-offs called […]
Mixed-up metals make for stronger, tougher, stretchier alloys
Materials scientists are creating next-generation mixtures with remarkable properties.
Mirror-image enzyme copies looking-glass DNA
Researchers at Tsinghua University in Beijing have created a mirror-image version of a protein that performs two of the most fundamental processes of life: copying DNA and transcribing it into […]
Transparent film smoothes sagging skin back into shape
Silicone polymer mimics youthful elasticity of skin.
Computer gleans chemical insight from lab notebook failures
Machine-learning approach mines unpublished ‘dark’ reactions that don’t work, as well as ones that do.
Stem-cell plan aims to bring rhino back from brink of extinction
Ambitious effort depends on transformation of rhino tissue into sperm and egg cells.