Nature News
[:es]Chinese scientists fix genetic disorder in cloned human embryos[:]
[:es]A method for precisely editing genes in human embryos hints at a cure for a blood disease[:]
[:es]Oldest traces of life on Earth may lurk in Canadian rocks[:]
[:es]Researchers report chemical evidence of organisms that lived 3.95 billion years ago, but scepticism abounds.[:]
[:es]Jellyfish caught snoozing give clues to origin of sleep[:]
[:es]The brainless marine creatures are the simplest organisms known to seek slumber.[:]
[:es]Cassini crashes into Saturn — but could still deliver big discoveries[:]
[:es]Data from spacecraft could help determine the age of Saturn’s rings and the persistence of its magnetic field.[:]
[:es]Protein maps chart the causes of disease[:]
[:es]Improvements in mapping protein–protein interactions are allowing researchers to deconstruct the delicate mechanics of cells.[:]
[:es]Deadly Mexico earthquake had unusual cause[:]
[:es]US Geological Survey says tremor within Cocos Plate, not at the plate boundary.[:]
[:es]Massive genetic study shows how humans are evolving[:]
[:es]Analysis of 215,000 people’s DNA suggests variants that shorten life are being selected against.[:]
[:es]Artificial warming trial reveals striking sea-floor changes[:]
[:es]Researchers deliberately heated up a slice of the Antarctic sea bed to see how ecosystems responded.[:]
[:es]China’s quest to become a space science superpower[:]
[:es]With major spaceflight milestones behind it, China is working to build an international reputation for space science.[:]