Sky & Telescope
Robotic Flyers: The Future of Space Exploration?
Flying robot explorers could one day grace the skies of other worlds. Quadcopters, the four-propeller drones that have become a familiar sight in terrestrial skies, may be the next big […]
Buckyballs Solve Interstellar Mystery
The term “diffuse interstellar bands” may not run chills down your back, but it’s code for a spectral mystery has haunted astronomers for almost a century. First discovered in 1922, […]
Dark Galaxies Suffuse the Coma Cluster
Following on a surprising find reported last year, astronomers have now discovered almost 1,000 dark matter-rich galaxies in the Coma Cluster.
Volcanoes on a Super-Earth?
Observations of nearby super-Earth 55 Cancri e reveal huge, as-yet unexplained changes in the exoplanet’s infrared emission. Volcanoes are one possible cause.
Best Evidence Yet That Black Holes Exist
A team of astronomers has found indirect evidence of a supermassive black hole’s event horizon, providing further proof that these wacky objects actually exist in nature.